Cool video to a catchy tune
Very well-conceived visually
Cool video to a catchy tune
Very well-conceived visually
you liked it, but you only gave a 7. THREE POINTS FROM A TEN. WHY!?!?!?
Beautiful and profound
Beautifully animated with stark visuals and a fascinating abstraction of a relevant social issue (eugenics)
Great timing
I pretty much expected the punchline based on the title (which is perfectly punny) but your timing is really what caught me off guard.
Great little short.
Very animation to a hilarious song
I'm generally NOT a fan of literal interpretations of lyrics in music videos, but this a very funny, very creative animated music video to Weird Al's song, which is already hilarious without the visuals.
Funny stuff.
Nice animation
Very nice animation, especially for a first effort.
Though the lyrics seemed to fit the images, I wasn't really feeling the song (the music is kinda boring in contrast to the exciting animation).
Awesome... until the second half
I wish i had stopped watching when the screen said "Error"...
The "Test" part was freaking kick@ss (stylish, creative, well-animated), but the second "Eat me" part sucked big floppy donkey dong.
The two halves were only marginally related (they both featured bloody kittens) and the first part half would've been so much better if it wasn't dragged down by the nonsense that followed it.
I'm just going to pretend the second part doesn't exist and score the first part...
Fantastic visuals for an awesome song
First off, I love that you were inspired by Yoko Kanno's "Fish - Silent Cruise"
And your imagary was breath-taking... so simple and yet so dramatic.
I felt like I was watching a dream.
I'm an incurable insomniaddict, an insufferable iconoclast and a no-nonsense Nihilist. Looking back at that last sentence it appears I'm also addicted to alliteration. I'm extremely allergic to religions, political parties, and traditions.
Age 46, Male
Educator / Developer
UCLA Animation Workshop
Los Angeles
Joined on 11/9/05